The reality of Government delivery is usually disappointing.
Political and Social opinions, cartoons and the occasional rant. Pro Liberty, pro freedom, pro free market and pro gun.
B) Prohibit ordinary citizens from owning guns.
C) Sufficient law enforcement and vigilance can eliminate guns from our society and therefore eliminate gun crime.
To realise the goal of eradicating gun crime will require some new programmes and laws:
1) Eradicate all ownership of guns in order to eradicate crime.
Anyone who owns a gun can have it stolen or may misuse it so it is a prudent safety measure for the community to completely disallow ownership of guns. This also simplifies law enforcement as possession of a gun confirms guilt.
2) Guns are an effective form of self-defence and an economical way of enforcing community safety. To ensure community safety the only people that should have guns are those who are upholding the law (these are citizens such as the police, customs officials, government bodyguards and the military – the CSOs).
3) Enforcing the law by enacting complete zero tolerance ensures that the law is obeyed. To achieve this enforcement simply requires allocating enough resources and increasing the punishments metered out by laws.
The zero tolerance approach to gun crime will mean that tougher laws and harsher law enforcement will be required to eradicate gun crime. Ignorance of the law is no excuse so any punishment is warranted when breaking laws passed by the Community Officials. Community Safety Officers who refuse to support these laws must immediately be considered as corrupted by the CSOO’s and therefore dismissed.
4) Community Officials who make the laws need to be unquestionably honest.
This will be accomplished by the installation of metal detectors and placement of CSOs at the entrance to any forms of public transport or any public space. Placement of roadblocks with metal detectors and body searches at each entrance to a suburb or town will ensure that guns do not enter any of these zones.
Existing technologies and processes in use today can easily accomplish the eradication of gun crime. All that is required is strong political will and the understanding of the citizenry.
If you have nothing to hide then you have no need to worry.
"The ACCC said that in 2005, sponsored links titled “Kloster Ford” and “Charlestown Toyota” allegedly appeared on Google, but the links allegedly directed users to the Trading Post website.
Both dealerships compete with the Trading Post.
The ACCC said by publishing the links, Google allegedly engaged in “misleading and deceptive conduct”.
Google also continues to allegedly fail to “adequately distinguish sponsored links from ‘organic’ search results”, according to an ACCC statement. "
What concerns me is if the ACCC wins then it will have opened a way into "policing the internet" (on behalf of all Australians, of course).
If there were only one or two search engines on the internet, then maybe I could understand their position. Fortunately this is not the case. What it means is that people can choose another search engine if they don't like Google!
Let the market decide for itself, not members of a broadband crippling government with naught in their sights but control and an upcoming election.